Saturday 26 March 2011

Evaluation: 3. What have you learnt from your audience feedback?


Above is a video of various people commenting on there thoughts about my trailer. Each of the individuals was shown the final product 3 times before their comments were recorded. This is a very useful way of improving products as it lets you know what your audience feels about your trailer, therefore any negative comments can be useful as you then know what to improve on.

Most of the feedback seemed positive as people liked the way in which they could feel the tension generated from the music and how it worked well with the shots. Also most of the feedback mentioned, not revealing the story which shows i have successfully created a teaser trailer as it's purpose is to show a non linear narrative and give the audience a taster. Also people recognised the genre of an action-thriller and the themes such as revenge and fear. This proves that i have successfully reached the audience and provided a suitable genre that can be recognised by all.

However negative comments included possibly adding sound effects and making caption font's bigger. Although i had a  fixed idea of what i wanted, to create a more professional product, listening to your audience can be the best way of doing this even if it means changing that fixed idea.


(Click to enlarge)

Above are comments of various students who have seen all 3 products and made comments about the magazine. They are talking about what they liked and what could be done to improve the magazine cover. It seemed that most people liked the way the protagonist was staring straight the reader as if to "intimidate" them. This help's intrude the reader's mind that this is a story of revenge and that whoever the protagonist is after should be afraid. Other positive comments talked about how you could relate all 3 products in the promotional package through using the protagonists image in all. Also the colours stood out very well against the background therefore making it more eye catching for the reader. 

Also some criticismmade was about the use of colours. Eloise Galloway suggested that different colours could of possibly been used in order to mix it up a bit. Although her point was noted down, i felt that by mixing more colours in to it, the colours wouldn't compliment the action thriller genre nor would they stand out as well. Also it wouldn't look as stylish and could look unprofessional. 


(Click to enlarge)

Above are comments of various students who have seen all 3 products and made comments about the poster. Most of the feedback was positive and people seemed to greatly appreciate that it too out from a distance therefore it was eye catching and easy to read. Image, tile and caption were the main objects mentioned. I see that this as a success of the design as by looking at title, images and caption you are able to gain the name of the movie, a feel of the genre, themes of revenge and fear through facial expressions and also the caption about revenge back's up the audiences suspicion that this is an action-thriller about revenge. This is a great advantage as i am able to directly aim at my target audience using the poster alone.

The only criticism made was the the background colour could be changed to create a more attractive poster. Although the background of the poster is just one colour, i believe this colour best suits the fonts and images as they stand out very well. Using a darker background colour, would prevent the audience from seeing the objects on the poster as well as they could if it was lighter. i also chose against a light colour as it does not enhance the theme of vengeance and fear, therefore this dark grey colour was best suited to the poster.

After all these comments were made and reviewed, i found it hard to change the fixed ideas i had but believed it to be best if i listened to the audience as they are the people judging it therefore if they like something better, you should adjust it so it suit's the target audience even more.

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