Saturday 19 March 2011

Planning: Health & Safety

Within any production health and safety is an important factor. The HSE ( health and safety within the entertainment industry) government website states the importance of this and how they are their to support anyone as a result of a injury. The website can be found here at .

Within my trailer and poster i have various weapons on display. Below are a list of the weapons used and how precautions were taken to prevent any injuries of the actors.

Knife - Although the knife appears very real from the angle of the camera, the knife is in fact plastic which will cause no harm to anyone when it comes in contact with them. I also made sure before filming that the actors agreed to being in contact with this plastic knife so that they were comfortable with it.

Gun - The gun appears realistic as it is a metallic black all over, thus giving it the effect of a real gun. However the gun is a plastic gun and does not fire anything. The actors were reassured of this as they were able to review the prop and then they gave their permission for it to be used.

Blood - The fake blood used within the production was not harmful as the bottle of the fake blood i had bought, informed me and the actors that it was washable and non irritable to skin.

Outside (Public Locations) - The filming was done late at night in a local area, where it was late, so there was not many people around and this gave me an easy to work in environment.

Car Chase - Although this scene was not included, i had filmed a scene involving a car chase. The cars were traveling at the legal speed of 30 mph and were sped up using the video editing software. They were driving down a normal street road in a straight line with no manoeuvre's therefore not endangering anyone. The camera man was standing on the pavement so they were not near the cars.

Baseball Bat - Although it looks realistic, the bat is actually plastic therefore it can cause no harm when someone is hit with it. Also within the trailer, no one will be hit with it but editing effect will make it appears as if it does.

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