Wednesday 23 March 2011

Feedback: Monday 21st

On the 21st of March we had a session where each student could review each others work. Crticial comments where made about different pieces of work therefore enabling us to improve on our work. Below are some of the comments made by students about my three products. I have taken them in to account and have adjusted the issues that have arisen.

"The yellow font on the magazine cover doesn't go well with the mostly red and white text, i think it should be taken off so that it creates a more professionally produced magazine"

"The font on the poster should be made a lot larger, as the current font doesn't really fill up the poster and therefore it cannot be seen from a distance"

"The white background on the movie poster should be changed to a darker cover, to compliment the darkness of this action thriller"

"Captions should be inserted into the trailer in order to create more suspense to the target audience"

"More edit effect's like fade in and fade out need to be used to ease transition between shots and create a more professional production"

After reviewing all of these comment made, i am inclined to agree, as when testing out all of the comments made on my actual products i could see myself a significant improvement in the effect that they would give to the target audience. Through enlarging my font on my poster and changing the background colour to dark grey, the reader of the poser is able to see the poster from a greater distance therefore it is more eye catching.

The yellow font was taken off the magazine cover, as it did look more stylish and professional when getting rid of the yellow as it did not suit the red and white text, nor the theme meant to be portrayed.

Fade in and fade out were used and it created a much more professional looking production as when reviewing professional trailers, i could see that this effect was used often. This also created more suspense and tension within the audience as it took slightly longer to see what happens next. Captions were also used as i found that it enticed the audience and persuaded them to want to know and find out more about 'A Changed Man'. 

The feedback given to me has significantly improved my final products therefore creating a more professional looking promotional package.

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