Thursday 17 March 2011

Planning: Voiceover and Sound Effects

Although many trailers include voiceovers to tell more of the story, i felt that i would not include a voiceover within my trailer as it is a teaser therefore the aim is not to tell the story of movie but to entice the audience into wanting to see the movie. I felt that giving as little away as possible is the key when creating a teaser trailer, therefore instead of using voiceovers throughout my product, captions would be used to give a commentary on the trailer. The captions aid the trailer as it invites and tempts the audience in to wanting more, thus having to go and watch the movie for themselves.

When reviewing sound effects on various websites such as or or using software such as garageband for mac, i felt that i did not need any of these effects as there were no places within these clips i thought necessarily needed these effects in order to enhance them.

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