Tuesday 15 March 2011

Planning: Filming And Editing Schedule

Filming will be shot over a 3 day period in which i aim for 2-6 scenes per day. Not all these scenes will be necessarily included in the trailer but recording extra scenes will give me a greater choice of what i put into the final teaser trailer. I have already organised a set date for friday march 11th which will give me the next 3 days with my 2 actors and myself. As a teaser trailer should show a non linear narrative i will not record the scenes in any particular order but i will wait until i have all recordings before editing starts. Below i have a screenshot of what scenes i need to film in order to complete my recordings.

I will need to leave myself plenty of time when editing the recorded data as i will film many minutes of film which will then need to be cut down so that it can successfully come together in a sequence of shots that will create a teaser trailer. To make a professional looking teaser trailer the audience shouldn't be focused on the editors skills but merely on the excitement of the trailer being shown. Through using a software for mac called IMovie, i will be able to edit my trailer using various tools that will give me the ability to make this recorded film in to a short sequence of shots therefore creating a teaser trailer. I believe editing will take up to a week with which i will add various items such as captions and cropping of clips. Editing will commence on Wednesday 16th March as all raw footage will be loaded on to IMovie and is expected to be done in the following 2 weeks.

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