Wednesday 19 January 2011

Research: Audience

Primary Research

To further develop my understanding of what audiences i should aim the trailer at, i created a questionnaire that i handed out throughout my school and family. I gave it to 36 people and of an equal amount of males and females, so that the test results are fair and are not bias to one sex. The ages ranged from 15 to 45 therefore giving a wider range of results. Below is the questionnaire that i had given out.

Quantitative Results

Question 1

As you can see from the results above there were 50% male participants and 50% female participants. They consisted on 36 participants overall.

Question 2

In the above pie chart you can see there is an equal amount of participants in each age section, therefore making the questionnaire more valid and less bias between ages.

Question 3


Overall it seemed that Action/Adventure was the most favoured between both sexes showing that the genre of the trailer I'm creating is favoured amongst the general audience of all ages.

Men seemed to favour action/adventure the most with the thriller genre following close behind.

Women most favoured the romance genre, with thriller and action/adventure following close behind.

Question 4

The evidence above shows that due to good trailers being advertised often convinces the public to go and watch the movies often. Showing how big an impact a trailer can make.

Question 5

Above we can see that the audience find the storyline and pace in a trailer the most important assets with other attributes such as actors, speech, music and setting following behind.

From this quantitative research, it has affected the way in which i will produce my trailer. The pace was already something i had set in my goals to produced. An effective pace to create a climax throughout the trailer is key when wanting to draw the audience in.
The storyline also seems to be very important when producing a trailer. Showing a successful narrative seems to be key, because if there is no story to a trailer, then it gives the audience no motivation to see the movie. As we can see from question 4, a trailer is very important in contributing to people going to the cinema and watching the full length movie, so pace and narrative are the basis of the trailer i'm going to create.
Action/Adventure seemed to be the favoured genre of all movie genres amongst the people who answered the questionnaire, who represent the audience. A convention of action movies is high pace, so i must make sure that once the pace starts to get faster, it continuously does so throughout, until the end when it comes to a threatening scene which leaves the audience at a cliffhanger.

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