Friday 7 January 2011

Planning: Hardware & Software

In order to produce the trailer, magazine cover and film poster i will have to use various pieces of equipment to produce good quality products. Below is a list of what i will be using and why i have chosen to use it.


The Nikon D60 is a very suitable piece of hardware as it is 10.2 megapixels and is therefore able to produce very high quality and detailed photos. It is also a very small and compact SLR camera, so it is easy to carry around and take photos at anytime. With it's small LCD monitor, you are also able to review the photos to make sure that you have the correct shot. Also as it uses digital technology, by using a USB cable, i am easily able to transfer the photos to my computer and they are ready for editing.

Video Camera

The Panasonic SDR-S50 is a very suitable camera for my task as it has an autofocus feature making sure that the video is always clear and not blurred. It also has a 78x optical zoom, thus giving the ability to use various camera shots such as close ups. As it uses an SD card and has a USB port, i will be able to transfer all the recorded data on to my computer that will be ready for editing.

                                                                                                             A Tripod

By using a tripod i will be able to keep my filming stable and level therefore making a more professional looking trailer. The tripod has different levels of height that can be adjusted at all times enabling low angle and high angle shots.


 iMovie is a software designed for mac computers. It has many different features that will enable me to do my task. It lets you use features such as slow motion, cropping film, exposure settings, cutting scenes, applying audio to the clips, creating titles and incorporating still photos. It also takes raw footage from the camera and automatically puts the data into an appropriate format so it can be edited. 

Adobe Photoshop CS5

This software has various features that let me edit a photo and create templates for magazine covers and posters. The features include cropping, retouching, cutting objects out of a photo via the magic wand tool and the gradient tool to display different background colours.

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