Thursday 6 January 2011

Research: Student Trailer, Magazine and Poster Analysis

When researching various trailers from the web, i had to remember that hollywood spends millions on making these trailers and the movies that follow. I thought a more useful research method would be to analyse another students A2 level media products so that i could make a more useful approach and comparison when developing my teaser trailer. Through analysing how they have performed i will be be able to improve my promotional value of the products.

I chose Brendans A2 Media Blog. Although my trailer is a different genre, these products seem to have the same darkness about them which i want to incorporate within my trailer.

Magazine Cover


1. Most of the fonts on the page stand out really well as the colours and clarity of them stands out very well against the dark background.
2. Most of the font is red which compliments the picture as it has blood all over the object that the hand is holding. This gives the reader a feel of what genre this production might be, which appears to be horror.
3. The title in the form of the icon stands out very clearly to the reader, informing the reader the title of the magazine.
4. The banners at the top and bottom of the magazine, highlight important stories within the magazine which stand out well therefore enabling the reader to see them clearly.
5. The caption "Tops paranormal activity, by a mile" stands out clearly and compliments the genre of the trailer, as paranormal activity is an already well established horror movie therefore this increases the appeal of the movie.
6. The image is very large and striking due to the blood and the object being held thus causing the reader to look directly at it and wonder what it is about.
7. The 'World Exclusive' icon interests the reader as this magazine has a special inside story to this upcoming movie therefore the reader should buy it if they want to know the most they can about it.


1. When first looking at the magazine i did not immediatley recognize the title of the magazine due to being draw away by other objects on the page. The title of the magazine cover cannot be clearly seen against the icon and i believe this to be a greta disadvantage to the poster as most magazines have the image and title as the most striking items on a front cover.
2. The font of the title of the movie 'Cardiac Arrest' is not very clear and i don't believe it suits the magazine, therefore giving it a disadvantage.
3. The bottom banner does not properly fit the page as some of the text is cut off.
4. The object that is being held by the hand is not clear even though the title suggests it is a heart, when looking straight at the picture i do not see this clearly.
5. There is a far smaller image in the bottom left hand corner of a hand holding up a DVD, but it's purpose is not identified.



1. The image is very striking which draws the audience in out of interest. The amount of blood used and the way the heart is outstretched by the hand, easily depicts that this is of the horror genre, therefore drawing in the horror fans.
2. The quotes of critics at the top of the poster are effective as they give it a positive score therefore making it more appealing to a wider audience of people.
3. Although there is not much of a background, this image tempts the audience to go and find out what the movie is about.
4. The slogan beneath the main title further reveals part of the movie but not too much. "What happens when you get the heart of a murderer" seems like a fascinating and imaginative statement which invites us to explore what it is about by watching the movie.
5. The institutions are shown at the bottom with clarity but although small they still can be read. They are smaller so that the attention is not drawn away from the image and title of the movie.
6. An age certificate is shown which is appropriate as it looks like a gory film which would be unsuitable for anyone under the age of 15.
7. The title is in a large font therefore attention is drawn to it immediately and not drawn to other objects on the page.


1. The font used for the main title "Cardiac Arrest" is not very clear nor is it menacing like the rest of the poster suggests. If a viewer of the poster was too look from a distance, i believe they would have trouble reading the title. 
2. All fonts on the page are in the colours of white which i don't find menacing as the storyline suggests.
3. Although the colour of the blood looks realistic, it does not appear to have splattered like real blood, as real blood would pour out into a puddle of blood and not have random spaces of ground in between the blood.
4. The two critical comments at the top should be split apart, as they look as if they have been written by the same critic, which they have not.



1. The sound effects within the trailer compliment the horror genre therefore giving the audience a more frightful experience which horrors fans will get a thrill out of. The heart beat monitor sound aids the whole theme of the production which is the heart of a murderer. 
2. Not too much is revealed to the audience within the trailer, this is a non linear narrative. Therefore the story is not told but the shots taken clearly show the genre of the trailer and the thrill horror fans will gain from watching it. 
3. Some of the editing effects like the TV becoming fuzzy with the title being portrayed on top of it are very well produced.
4. The shaking of the camera produces fear within the audience as if feels if you are in danger of something bad.


1. The scream that is produced by the female actor, is not in time with her mouth movements, this may produce doubt within the audience that this will be a professionally produced movie and that it is unrealistic. 

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