Tuesday 4 January 2011

Research : Photoshop Training & IPhoto

I was given the chance to experience a workshop at school which gave me the opportunity to experiment with Adobe Photoshop. I tested functions such as the lasso tool, entering text on an image and cropping pictures, as well as changing the temperature of the picture.

I also used a software called IPhoto on mac. This was very effective for editing pictures such as changing the contrast and exposure of pictures as well as retouching them. Below are some examples of what I created.

Experiments with Photoshop and iPhoto


As we can see below i have edited the picture above by adjusting the exposure to create a lighter and more warming photo, creating a scene of summer rather then a dark afternoon. I have also used the crop feature so that the audience looking at the photo are able to concentrate on the two people facial expressions rather than being distracted by the rest of the scenery in the picture.


As you can see in the picture above there is a hole in the flower and the inner yellow part is also damaged. Using the touchup tool i was able to make it look like there was no damage therefore making the flower look healthier and undamaged.

Below i also have created a test poster, so i could practice making a poster, so that when i gather all my photographs i will be used to using photoshop for a poster design.

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